
As 2017 closes…

As a difficult 2017 ends, I am nervous to say the least. it is only a few weeks to my next book coming out and as always, I am filled with fear as to how this latest ‘baby’ will be received. The manuscript went out to advance readers and I am cheered by comments made in their feedback. If anyone thinks writing, editing and publishing a book is easy – it ain’t!

I am looking forward to 2018 and creating various projects and travelling where possible. Working with a new publisher is exciting and I feel supported, optimistic and energised.

As the year closes I will leave you with a saying that my boomer characters in The Best Boomerville Hotel take to heart:

In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.

Abraham Lincoln

Whatever your dreams, do make them come true. Get some lovely memories in the bank for the days when you no longer can.

I wish everyone health, happiness and joy in the beautiful year ahead.

C xx


One thought on “As 2017 closes…

  1. You are so right Caroline and your words have encouraged me to make some decisions to make sure that I try to fill each lucky minute with gratitude and joy.
    On the basis of your talent, this new baby will be a child prodigy ! Having been fortunate enough to beta read the manuscript, I can only say it’s your best book yet! It’s got a great storyline , fabulous characters, humour and lush descriptions that race along all too quickly.. I only wish my next holiday was at boomerville!


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